Best After Sales And Maintenance Guide For Hvac Systems, Commercial Kitchen Equipment &Amp; Gas Piping


Welcome to our comprehensive after sales and maintenance services, where we prioritize the seamless functioning of your gas systems, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) units, and kitchen equipment. Our dedicated team of skilled technicians is committed to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of your essential systems.

Whether you require routine maintenance, emergency repairs, or spare parts, we offer a tailored solution to meet your specific needs. With a focus on excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction, our after sales and maintenance services guarantee that your gas, HVAC, and kitchen equipment operate at peak performance, minimizing downtime and maximizing the lifespan of your valuable assets. Trust us to keep your operations running smoothly, providing you with peace of mind and a foundation for continued success.


NeoEng Limited provides a proactive approach to maintaining equipment and systems to prevent failures, reduce downtime, and extend their operational life. Our preventive maintenance involves regularly scheduled inspections, routine maintenance tasks and replacements to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems in lieu of waiting for equipment to breakdown. The primary goals of preventive maintenance are to ensure the reliability, efficiency, and safety of equipment and to minimize unexpected breakdowns. Here is a general overview of preventive maintenance tasks undertaken by NeoEng Limited.

  1. Create a Maintenance Schedule:
  • We develop a comprehensive schedule for preventive maintenance tasks. Consider factors such as equipment usage, manufacturer recommendations, and local regulations.
  • Prioritize critical equipment and establish a frequency for inspections and maintenance activities.
  1. Inspect Gas Lines and Connections:
  • Regularly inspect gas lines and connections for leaks, corrosion, or loose fittings.
  1. Check Cooking Equipment:
  • Inspect the ovens, stoves, grills, fryers, and other cooking equipment regularly.
  1. Inspect Refrigeration Equipment:
  • Regularly check condenser coils on refrigerators and freezers.
  • Monitor temperature settings to ensure food safety and prevent spoilage.
  1. Inspect the Ventilation Systems:
  • Regularly check ventilation hoods, filters, air filters, discharge grilles and exhaust fans to ensure proper airflow.
  1. Inspect Electrical Systems: 
  • Regularly check electrical connections and wiring for signs of wearing out or damage.
  • Test and inspect switches, outlets, phase failure relays and circuit breakers.
  1. Train Staff on Equipment Care:
  • Provide training to kitchen staff on proper equipment usage, cleaning procedures, and reporting maintenance issues.
  1. Keep Records:
  • Maintain detailed records of all preventive maintenance activities.
  • Document dates, tasks performed, and any issues detected during inspections.
  1.  Emergency Preparedness:
  • Have contingency plans in place for responding to unexpected issues discovered during preventive maintenance.     
  • Keep a stock of critical spare parts for quick replacements

NOTE: It’s important to note that the specifics of preventive maintenance may vary depending on the type of equipment, its usage, and manufacturer recommendations.


As an operator of a commercial kitchen, being aware of how regularly service the equipment is vital. Without regular service, the system will fail to work properly due to building up grease and soot thus contaminating the kitchen, and creating an unhygienic environment that may affect both the kitchen staff and the customers.

These are the service and maintenance tasks that NEOENG undertake in your kitchen:

  1. Gas line and equipment

Servicing commercial kitchen gas lines and equipment is crucial for several reasons, primarily related to safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. Here are some key reasons why regular servicing is essential:

  • Safety: Gas lines and equipment in commercial kitchens can pose significant safety risks if not properly maintained. Gas leaks, faulty connections, or malfunctioning equipment can lead to gas buildups, which can result in explosions or fires. Regular servicing helps identify and address potential safety hazards, ensuring the well-being of both employees and customers.
  • Efficiency: Regular maintenance ensures that gas equipment operates at peak efficiency. Malfunctioning or dirty equipment can lead to energy wastage, increased utility costs, and compromised cooking performance. Routine servicing helps optimize the performance of gas appliances, ensuring they work efficiently and effectively.
  • Equipment Longevity: Gas appliances in commercial kitchens are significant investments. Regular servicing can extend the lifespan of equipment by identifying and addressing issues before they become major problems. This not only helps protect the initial investment but also reduces the need for costly repairs or premature replacements.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular servicing is a form of preventive maintenance. By identifying and addressing potential issues early on, businesses can prevent breakdowns and unexpected downtime. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions to kitchen operations, allowing businesses to maintain a smooth and efficient workflow.
  • Health and Hygiene: Gas appliances that are not properly maintained can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Regular servicing helps ensure that equipment is clean, well-ventilated, and free from contaminants, promoting a healthier working environment for kitchen staff.
  • In summary, regular servicing of commercial kitchen gas lines and equipment is essential for maintaining a safe, efficient, and compliant working environment. It helps prevent accidents, ensures equipment longevity, and contributes to the overall success and sustainability of the business.
Mechanical Ventilation
Mechanical Ventilation
  1. Extraction/Ventilation system:
  • Extractor hoods
  • Hood filters
  • Extractor fans
  • Exhaust ducts

When cared for properly, these components work together to form a seamless system that keeps a commercial kitchen operating at full capacity.

  • Kitchen hoods: These are chimney-like devices that hang over the cooking area. Within the kitchen hood, a fan works to remove airborne particles of grease, odors and steam/smoke. 
  • Hood filters: A hood filter is the first piece of machinery within the kitchen hood. This is the filter that captures airborne particles within your kitchen. Without this, airborne particles will simply be floating around the kitchen and clogging the ducts and fan.
  • Extractor fans: Extractor fans remove the old, contaminated air from the kitchen and push it through vents until the air can escape outside. Less fumes and airborne grease means a cleaner kitchen, as well as less smells and damaging residue. Extractor fans also allow proper ventilation, which can lower the temperatures in your kitchen and reduce the risk of fire.
  • Exhaust ducts: Exhaust ducts channel grease, vapor, fumes and any other contaminated particle outside. After the extractor fan and hood filter grab up the particles, the particles flow through a metal duct and are expelled into the air, often on the rooftop.

NOTE: Different systems will require small changes in cleaning based on the usage, but the basics are still the same.

Daily Maintenance

  • Wipe down stainless steel surfaces carefully, to avoid any hard materials scratching the appliance.
  • Wipe the hood surface down with a cloth that has been dipped in a soap solution. 
  • Use a clean dry cloth to remove any liquid or grease

Quarterly Maintenance (Every 3 Months)

  • Inspect your extractor hood for any gas or air leaks.
  • Clean out the ductwork to prevent grease accumulation.
  • Check the bearings and make sure they are lubricated or lubricate if need be
  • Check the tightness of the fasteners (all bolts and nuts)
  • Check the belt tension every three months to ensure the proper tension is being used.
  • Clean the fans: Detail the blades of the extractor fan with a de greaser solution. Grease accumulates on the blades and causes the extractor fan to become heavy and inefficient so don’t let build ups happen.
  • Replace pieces as necessary.
  • Clean the grease buildup from within the duct 
  • Clean the grease buildup on the filters
  • Clean the grease buildup on and within the hood
  • Check the external exhaust fan to make sure there is no clogging or grease that prevents the ducts to properly expel unclean air.

3.  Refrigeration Equipment

  • Inspection and Cleaning: Thoroughly inspect the refrigeration equipment for any signs of wearing out, damage, or malfunction, clean condenser coils, evaporator coils, and other components to ensure optimal performance.
  • Gasket Inspection and Replacement: Check the condition of door gaskets on refrigerators and freezers, replace any worn-out or damaged gaskets to maintain proper sealing and energy efficiency.
  • Compressor and Fan Inspection: Check the condition of compressors and fans for proper operation and lubricate moving parts as needed to reduce friction and wear.
  • Electrical System Check: Inspect electrical connections and wiring for signs of wear or damage and test and ensure the proper functioning of electrical components, such as switches and thermostats.
  • Refrigerant Level and Leak Check: Check refrigerant levels and top up if necessary and inspect the system for any refrigerant leaks and address them promptly.
  • Condensate Drain Inspection: Clean and sanitize ice machine components, including ice bins and dispensers and inspect water lines and filters, and replace as needed.

Servicing commercial kitchen refrigeration equipment is essential for several reasons, all of which contribute to the overall efficiency, safety, and longevity of the equipment. Here are key reasons for servicing commercial kitchen refrigeration equipment:

  • Ensuring Food Safety: Properly functioning refrigeration equipment is crucial for maintaining safe temperatures to prevent the growth of bacteria and ensure the freshness and safety of stored food items.
  • Optimizing Energy Efficiency: Regular servicing helps keep refrigeration systems running at peak efficiency. This can lead to lower energy consumption, reduced utility costs, and a smaller environmental footprint.
  • Preventing Breakdowns and Downtime: Scheduled maintenance can identify and address potential issues before they lead to equipment failure. This helps minimize unexpected breakdowns, reducing downtime in the kitchen and avoiding disruptions to food service operations.
  • Extending Equipment Lifespan: Routine servicing, including cleaning, lubrication, and parts replacement, can extend the lifespan of refrigeration equipment. This is a cost-effective approach compared to premature equipment replacement.
  • Maintaining Temperature Consistency: Properly calibrated refrigeration equipment ensures consistent temperatures throughout the storage units. This is crucial for preserving the quality of perishable goods and preventing uneven cooling.
  • Reducing Repair Costs: Addressing minor issues during regular servicing can prevent them from developing into major problems that require costly repairs. Proactive maintenance is often more cost-effective than reactive repair.
  • Preserving Food Quality: A well-maintained refrigeration system helps preserve the quality, texture, and flavor of stored food items. 
  • Minimizing Energy Waste: Faulty or inefficient refrigeration equipment will consume more energy than necessary. Regular servicing helps identify and rectify issues that contribute to energy waste, promoting sustainability and cost savings.

NOTE: By prioritizing the regular servicing of commercial kitchen refrigeration equipment, businesses can not only meet regulatory requirements but also ensure the safety of their food, reduce operational costs, and provide a consistent and high-quality dining experience for customers.


The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is; a contractual agreement between ( NeoEng Limited) and our  customer that outlines the expected level of service and performance standards and to define the terms and conditions under which services will be delivered.

Key components of an SLA typically include:

  • Service Scope: Defines the specific services that are covered by the agreement.
  • Service Level Objectives (SLOs): Specifies measurable performance targets that the service provider is obligated to meet e.g response times, and resolution times.
  • Responsibilities: Outlines the mantle of both the service provider and the customer.
  • Escalation Procedures: Defines the process for reporting issues that arise during the course of the service.

Service Level Agreements are crucial in ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of expectations and can help in maintaining a high level of service quality. They serve as a foundation for establishing a healthy and transparent relationship between service providers and their clients. Consequently, we at NeoEng limited always request a site visit to confirm the scope of works before presenting the document to the client for signing.

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